Mission, History & Leadership
Woodfords Family Services is committed to the support and inclusion of people with special needs and their families in Maine communities.
Woodfords Family Services is committed to supporting individuals with special needs and their families so that they may:
- Maximize their potential;
- Be productive and appreciated contributors to their neighborhoods and communities;
- Have positive and enriching relationships;
- Lead lives that are safe and secure; and
- Lead lives allowing for choice.
As a provider of community based services to individuals with special needs and their families, Woodfords Family Services values:
- Lifelong partnerships and advocacy with those we serve;
- Respect for the diversity of the entire Woodfords community, including those providing and receiving services;
- Well trained, professional and competent staff;
- The provision of measurably effective, high quality, evidence-based and integrated services; and
- The provision of support with commitment, compassion and understanding.
History & Who We Are
Woodfords provides a wide array of clinical, educational, behavioral health, residential, community and family support programs to more than 2,000 children, youth and adults with autism, developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities and/or mental health diagnoses throughout the state. Additionally, the agency has a statewide Training & Resource Center that offers a variety of high quality evidence based training programs for parents, professionals, and interested community members. The agency is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), whose program of quality improvement is designed to identify providers that have met high performance standards and have made a commitment to their stakeholders to deliver the very best quality services.
Who We Are
Woodfords was founded in 1967 by the late Alan and Katrina Rich, who sought better specialized educational services for their son Jimmy. With the support of four additional families seeking more services for their children with disabilities, the Rich family open Woodfords’ first school which quickly grew from 5 to 200 students and began the legacy of the agency now known as Woodfords Family Services. For more than 55 years, Woodfords has continued to honor the Rich family and their legacy by providing high-quality supportive programming to individuals with disabilities and their families throughout Maine.
Senior Leadership
Mark Eves, Executive Director
Pete Plummer, MBA, Chief Operating Officer
Allyson Lowell, LCSW, Chief Clinical Officer
Kerry de Bree, MBA, Chief Strategy Officer
Programs & Services
Nancy Briggs-Coffin, LCSW
Director of Foster Care & Adoption Services
Charissa Fortier, M.Ed, LCSW, BCBA
Director of Early Childhood Services & Special Purpose Private Schools
Lori Griffiths
Director of Rehabilitative & Community Support and School Based Services, Central Maine
Rebecca LaChance, LMSW-c
Director of Community Case Management
Scott McKeough, MPPM
Director of Home and Community Based (HCBS) Waiver Services
Nick Potts, MS, BCBA
Director of Rehabilitative & Community Support and School Based Services, Southern Maine
Support Departments
Katie Clark, MA ED, SHRM-CP, Director of Human Resources
Karen Dehetre, LSW, Director of Intake & Utilization Management
Renée Freudenberger, Director of Training & Professional Development
Sandra Hayward, MBA Director of Quality Improvement & Electronic Health Record System Administrator
Greg Klein, Director of Information Technology & Facilities
Cindi Palmer, Director of Finance
Board of Trustees
Barbara Redmond, President
Former Maine Chief Deputy Secretary of State, Retired
Brooke Woodbury, Vice President
Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Camden National Bank
Mark Foster, Secretary
Market Manager, M&T Bank
Peter Hall, Treasurer
Principal, Peter J. Hall CPA, LLC.
Morgan Cramer
Project Manager III – Finance Technology, UNUM
Robert Fairbrother
Consumer Advocate
Michéle Gasco
Vice President, Customer Experience Manager, M&T Bank
Sean Grant
Brem Stoner, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal, Wentworth School
Maureen Zemrak
Owner & Broker, Locations Real Estate Group